Monday, April 4, 2016


I like this playstation logo because of it's interesting dimensions and bright colors. It is very eye catching, and fits well with the company cause it looks bright and playful like a game.

I like these logos because they're very simplistic and clear. I also like that some of them have little images that go with the text, they all give off a clear vibe of their company whether because of the font choice or the imagery.

Monday, March 21, 2016

"What's Your Stance?" Poster

1. I think my stance is very clear. The language and font I use is very direct and the image shows how the problem in unnatural by having nature's mountain contrast with the man made chimney and smoke.
2. I think I was successful at converting my poster from a thumbnail sketch to a digital poster. Making it digitally actually made it a lot better than my thumbnail because it allowed the images to be much clearer and I experimented with color more.
3. I added a background images of a city covered in smog because it showed the results of the smoke, not just the smoke. I also chose the font and color of the writing to make my message even clearer, although I think the image alone is fairly straight forward and obvious about its message.
4. I think my project is strongest in the concept section of the rubric because the images clearly show air pollution but in a creative way, not just directly showing only smog or factories with lots of smoke above them. I think my worst category is design because I only used one font and it is a pretty standard one, although I think it works well with the poster's overall atheistic.
5. The most challenging part of the project conceptually was thinking of an image that showed the travesty of air pollution in a new and creative way. I think I thought of an interesting image; I'm really happy with how it turned out.
6. The hardest part about the project technically was using illustrator. I had a lot of trouble getting all the images to be arranged in the way I wanted them to be, but I figured out how to use the program eventually and this project definitely helped because it forced me to work with it.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Current Events HW

I always see photos and comments on my social media talking about girls and judging how they dress. If they wear clothing that is "too revealing" they get yelled at to cover up and are told they are luring in the wrong kind of men, as if a female only dresses for men and never for themselves. If they wear too much clothing they're told they're a prude and should be more fun. No one, including sometimes other women, allow females to just wear want they want to wear and do what they want to do, they have to do everything to appeal to society, not just themselves.

I also always see lots of posts about Donald Trump and how terrible he is and what a bad candidate is and I totally agree, he's an awfully sexist and racist and is promoting essentially an ethic cleansing.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

GIF Project Reflection

1. My original idea was that my hat is a safety net which protects me when I'm out in the world and the cold weather. I had a lot of other ideas but I wanted to try to animate a person and I thought this would be an easy action to start practicing on. Originally I wasn't sure how I was gonna show this concept beyond just an animation of me putting on a hat, but once I started to animated it I got the idea to change the background colors at the end to represent my concept more.
3. I was also just planning on making the hat grey and the background black, but by playing around on photoshop I found a way to make the different layers different textures and decided to use that affect to give the gif some more realistic look.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Portrait Transformation Reflection

1. My concept was to show how human's industrialization effect the environment, especially the oceans.
2. My project's title is Human Ocean.
3. I'm really happy with the end results, I think the concept is pretty clear and I like the aesthetic of the piece, especially the color scheme.


5) 1. Lay down background image of ocean water and change levels to give it green lint
     2. Create new layer and upload image of girl
     3. Select image of girl using selection tool, inverse selection, delete background.                                                   4. Lower opacity of image of girl
5. Creat layer make and use that to remove areas of girl's face which are not wanted in final
6. Creat new layer, upload image of beach signs, selected area around signs and delete it
7. Creat new layer, add photo of tunnel, select background and delete
8. Create new layer, add photo gear, select gear, inverse selection and delete back ground
9. Creat new layer, add image of metal tanks and pipes, select pipes, inverse selection, delete background
10. Create new layer, upload image of oil, select oil, inverse selection, delete background
11. Move  all layers to desired location and order layers in desired